Friday, August 14, 2009

Here it is....

Almost the middle of August and nothing to show for it. As usual, I'm doing the umpteenth load of laundry, getting the kids registered for school (thank goodness that's done), have to finish school supply shopping, get the 2 boys haircuts, etc.

DH is still on furlough and has been for almost 3 months (if you add up all the days, that's what it amounts to). DH went on a job interview on Wednesday and got a call back for Monday for a second interview, hopefully something good will come of that (fingers crossed!). I wish it would either stay nice (70's and low humidity) or stay hot, this is playing havoc on my skin. Either making it really comfortable for me or incredibly painful (nothing that a good night's sleep and Advil won't cure). Started stitching again and should have a progress picture soon. It would be about a month's worth of stitching (not the world's fastest stitcher by far)

Otherwise, there is no news in my household, just the same old stuff. Hopefully I'll blog a bit more this month, I wish you and yours a safe rest of summer and into early fall.



Kim said...

Glad to see you blogging again. Missed seing you on here.

School starts in another week here for us. YEAH!

blueladie said...

Keeping y'all in my prayers, Kelly. Looking forward to seeing your stitching.